Get Back to What You Enjoy

Reduce Pain & Restore Function with Joint Regeneration

Illustration of Hands Holding Heart Representing Doctors Who Listen

Explore options to joint surgery and pain medications

Illustration of Document Being Protected by Shield Representing Personalized Plan

Stimulate healing & repair with regenerative medicine

Illustration of Heart Inside Circle Representing Symptom Management and Heal

Enjoy more mobility, less pain and the freedom to do what you enjoy

Portrait of Elderly Couple Hiking Mountains and Smiling

Pain medicine isn’t a solution!

If you feel being less active, dependency on pain medications, just “living with it” or surgery with only a small chance of success aren’t good solutions for chronic joint pain, you are right!

Chronic joint pain from old injuries and arthritis is one of the most common reasons people visit a doctor. Sadly, the options provided begin with pain medications and end with surgery; treatments that poorly address the underlying cause of most chronic joint pain and dysfunction.

Prolotherapy Now shifts the concept to a Regenerative paradigm by providing therapies that stimulate cellular healing to restore tissue integrity and function, reduce pain, and regain mobility. Healing is possible! After a thorough evaluation and based on your unique concern, we will propose a regenerative based strategy to heal.


Here’s how we’ll help you

Illustration of Step 1

Book a

Tell us about the nature of your musculoskeletal pain. If it seems regenerative medicine would help you we’ll schedule an office visit.

Illustration of Step 1

Receive your joint evaluation

Upon your evaluation, the doctor will conduct a detailed review and exam of your problem joint/s. He will discuss which regenerative approach is best for you and how long your care will take.

Illustration of Step 1

Let the healing begin

Your first Prolotherapy session will mark the beginning of joint healing, regeneration and freedom from pain.

“My name is Ruben Chamorro. I’m a pastor and retired teacher. My duties as a teacher was to be a wrestling coach and I hurt my back really bad in 1979. They tried to do a lot of procedures for my back and I’ve been suffering unbelievable with very little sleep. I lived on OxyContin, Dilaudid, Tramadol and in between when the pain was horrible; morphine shots. We were blessed we decided to visit this facility with Dr. Bankole.

Well, I am so relieved and joyful that since he’s been treating me and doing the shots for my back, I’ve been able to sleep. Before, I was averaging maybe one hour. Now, I get 6-7 hours of rest. I’m pain-free most of the time and I am very grateful to the treatments and the compassion and love by the doctors and all the administration at this office; much, much gratitude. I’m able to function. Before, I used to have a lot of pain and hard time breathing. Now, I’m able to fulfill all my duties with joy.”

– Pastor Ruben Chamorro

“I injured myself doing yard work outside. I was bent over and when I stood up, I felt a pull in my back. I was sore and in a pain. I was referred to physical therapy and given anti-inflammatories and pain killers, but the pain never really went away. I consider myself really active, have always done sports and lifted weights. Being limited doing workouts made me really depressed being so young. I researched ways to heal and came across Prolotherapy. I was lucky to find Dr. Bankole, who determined I injured my ilio-lumbar ligament. I saw cumulative progress after a few sessions. Ever since the treatments, I’ve been feeling better and I don’t feel the pain radiating to my leg anymore. I definitely recommend anyone with low back pain to check it out.”

– Ervin Valdez

“Dr. Bankole is very knowledgeable who cares about his patient’s well-being… I was diagnosed with distal clavicle osteolysis (weightlifter’s shoulder) around my AC joint a few years ago. I am a very active and physical, and many years in the gym caused me to develop this injury until I had a partial separation to the AC joint… constant sharp pain during movements or lifting was a daily issue. Even changing clothes or taking showers was more than difficult.

Now I am happy to say I am 85% recovered and very close to the 90th percentile… Before the Prolotherapy procedures I felt I had no choice but to seek surgery for a chance to return to my normal life, as this injury restricted me. Thanks to Dr. Bankole I am on the road to being back to 100% in my life…

I am grateful and appreciative to be a successful patient of his. I highly recommend Dr. Bankole to my family and friends as well.”

– Cole Trevis

“I was injured in a dirt bike accident when I was 14 years old. I had radiating nerve pain down my leg. If I put weight on my right leg, I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t stand. Sometimes, my knee would give out and I’d fall over.

Since my prolotherapy sessions, not only has my pain been eliminated but my attitude and posture have improved dramatically. I went from missing days of work because of the pain to actually being able to keep up with my responsibilities and take on more. I’m thankful for Dr. Bankole and his practice because I’m feeling better now than I have in the past 15 years.”

– Richard Heckroth

“After a few treatments I felt the stability in the joint return with reduced swelling and pain following physical activity. I went from not being able to walk, to being able to run and enjoy the physical activities I love to do!”

– Darnell Ferguson

“I am a Professional wrestler so I’m very active. I have suffered many injuries and have used Prolotherapy and have had phenomenal results. I am able to squat and deadlift again. I have full range of motion and flexibility and am able to go back to normal training. As a professional athlete and gym enthusiast, it’s a great feeling!”

– Brian Cage

Receive the joint healing benefits of regenerative medicine

For over fifteen years Dr. Bankole has helped hundreds of individuals regain function and independence from painful knees, shoulders, elbows and spines and other joints using Prolotherapy; allowing individuals to regain function and return to the activities they enjoy.
Group Photo of Running People of Different Ages Smiling

Our Services


Prolotherapy/Regenerative Injection Therapy


Dextrose Prolotherapy


Ozone Prolotherapy (Prolozone)


Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Prolotherapy


Trigger Point Injections


Neural Therapy

What our patients are saying about our regenerative approach

Frequently Asked Questions

What conditions does Prolotherapy treat?

Prolotherapy effectively treats musculoskeletal pain resulting from ligament and tendon tears, damaged cartilage, arthritis, sprains and strains, poorly healed injuries and degeneration of the connective tissue. Prolotherapy may effectively treat radiating nerve pain resulting from herniation of a vertebral disc.

What joints does Prolotherapy treat?

Prolotherapy is therapeutic for conditions of the low back, neck, ribs, pelvic region, temporomandibular joint and all joints of the upper and lower extremities such as shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles and digits.

How is Prolotherapy administered?

Treatment is administered by a series of carefully placed injections into the injured or damaged area along and within the joint. Treatments are best spaced three to six weeks apart depending on the age of the person and the condition being treated.

Is Prolotherapy painful?

Prolotherapy is well tolerated by most individuals. Local anesthesia is used with each injection and topical anesthesia is available. Although Prolotherapy is administered by injection, most individuals find it to be far more tolerable than imagined. Aching experienced after treatment typically lasts for several hours or less and is easily managed.

How fast does Prolotherapy work?

Since it takes the body months to fully repair connective tissue, the same amount of time is needed for Prolotherapy. Therefore, Prolotherapy is not necessarily fast but offers healing in a joint that would otherwise not heal. That being said, improvements in pain and function are often noted in as few as two or three treatments while full response typically occurs within four to six treatments.

How many treatments will I need?

Typically a joint needs four to six treatments to fully repair, however some problems may need fewer or more treatments. The number of treatments depends on the joint affected, the severity of the problem and your general state of health and age. During your assessment we will give you our best estimate of how many treatments you can expect to need.

When should I have Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)?

Prolotherapy can be done with a variety of substances. PRP holds a few special benefits in Prolotherapy. It promotes a stronger healing response compared to dextrose-based solutions, employs growth factors and promotes and recruits your own stem cells. Therefore, PRP should be strongly considered when there is suspicion or documentation of a connective tissue tear, when there is more significant arthritis of the joint, when the individual is older or if outcomes were unsatisfactory after a series of dextrose based Prolotherapy. During your evaluation we will advise you of the most appropriate solution to use based on your situation.

Can Prolotherapy promote cartilage repair?

According to research in Prolotherapy, treatment with each of the most used ingredients, dextrose, platelet-rich plasma, and stem cells have all shown the ability to stimulate regeneration of articular cartilage. Findings even include an increase in cartilage thickness on x-rays. In the practice setting evidence shows that these treatments play a clinically meaningful role in cartilage regeneration as well. Compared to ligaments and tendons, cartilage regeneration appears to occur more slowly, with the amount of cartilage preceding treatment important in the overall outcome.

Will Prolotherapy work if I have “bone on bone” arthritis?

The short answer is maybe. There are situations where even “bone on bone” arthritis responds well. The outcomes seem to depend on a few factors. One factor is the degree of cartilage that is lost. Prolotherapy is likely to make a very positive impact in cases where the cartilage loss is relegated to a small portion of the joint, while being less likely to help when wide areas are affected. Another factor is the joint affected. The cartilage of some joints is less responsive to Prolotherapy compared to others. Age and overall health are relevant factors as well. Severe osteoarthritis does not rule out the possibility of a good outcome from Prolotherapy. With an evaluation, we can help determine if Prolotherapy will help your situation.

Can I continue taking pain medications?

To ease any post-treatment discomfort from Prolotherapy, herbal anti-inflammatories, acetaminophen and ice can be used. Mild narcotics can also be taken temporarily for more significant discomfort that may accompany Platelet-rich Plasma. All steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications should be avoided before treatment and as you heal.

How can I optimize my healing response?

To get the most of each treatment and to promote the best healing response possible there are a few steps to follow. If you smoke, start a cessation program right away. Nicotine restricts blood flow to the joints which hampers healing. Avoid steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications as both inhibit the action of the special compounds needed to activate the healing process. If you are diabetic get your blood sugar under the best control possible. Chronically elevated blood sugar suppresses both your immune system and your healing. Lastly, move your body at least to the level appropriate to your state of health. Fitness promotes blood flow and a robust healing response.

Is there post treatment downtime?

Unlike orthopedic surgery, weeks of bedrest is not required or recommended. You will be encouraged to continue with your daily activities after a brief period of rest. However, you should avoid heavy use of the treated joint for five to seven days. Recommendations will be specific to the joint treated and your typical activity.

How soon can I return to activity?

The timing of return to full activity depends on the joint treated, the type of Prolotherapy used and the activity required. If you have a physically demanding work or exercise routine, you will be advised to scale down for five to seven days or to work around the treated joint for the same amount of time. Many individuals schedule treatment just before having a day or two off from work. If work is physical, light duty or time off may be appropriate.

Do I need to have an x-ray or MRI before Prolotherapy?

Imaging is typically not required, nor helpful for effective and safe Prolotherapy. However, there are some circumstances where imaging is helpful. For example, when tears, herniations or other lesions are suspected, an MRI or ultrasound should be considered. Results may then help guide treatment decisions. While x-rays can determine the severity of arthritis and rule out more acute concerns like bone fractures or fluid in a joint, they do not reveal torn or unhealthy ligaments or tendons, all major sources of joint pain. A good Prolotherapist will interpret the results of an x-ray or MRI with caution since the findings may be unrelated to one’s pain. A detailed medical history and examination of the problem joint/s is the best way to determine if imaging is needed. Imaging should never be used as a replacement for a proper evaluation.

Is Prolotherapy safe without x-ray or ultrasound visualization?

Prolotherapy is very safe for most every joint in the body by an experienced Prolotherapist, even without direct visualization with imaging. In most cases imaging is unnecessary. There are situations where bedside visualization and guidance is beneficial such as when a tear cannot otherwise be appreciated and high value solutions such as stem cells must be injected in a precise location. Fortunately, this scenario is not typical. You will be advised if there is a need for bedside imaging during your evaluation.

Is Prolotherapy experimental?

Although health insurance companies claim Prolotherapy is experimental it is not. It is a claim they make to excuse them from paying for the procedure. Physicians have been treating chronic musculoskeletal pain with Prolotherapy for nearly one hundred years now. National medical organizations like the American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine and the American Academy/Association of Orthopedic medicine and many others hold postgraduate training for physicians while the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the primary medical society for physicians in physical medicine and rehabilitation advocate for the use Prolotherapy. For several decades Prolotherapy has been not only well represented in the medical literature but also well validated.

How come my Orthopedic doctor does not offer Prolotherapy?

Currently most orthopedic doctors do not appreciate the role that tendon and ligament dysfunction play in chronic pain and have not adapted a regenerative paradigm for healing connective tissue. This proven concept is not taught in medical schools or in orthopedic residency programs. Orthopedic surgeons focus on arthroscopic surgery, the repair of fractured bones and the stabilization of or replacement of joints with hardware, rods and other fixation devices, nerve blocks and ablation for example. Most manage chronic pain with corticosteroids, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and procedures like nerve blocks, implantation devices and other therapies that block pain signals but do not promote connective tissue healing.

When should I consider treatment with autologous stem cells?

Dextrose Prolotherapy and PRP Prolotherapy can fortunately repair most common causes of chronic joint pain. However, there are certain circumstances when the best option is to have Prolotherapy with stem cells taken for your bone marrow, body fat or both. Being that a minor surgical procedure is required to harvest stem cells, the time and the larger cost, stem cells are best reserved for the most severe situations.

Can I use my Health Savings Account?

Yes, typically your HSA will cover the cost of Prolotherapy. We will help with pre-authorization if needed.

Does insurance pay for Prolotherapy?

Insurance companies consider Prolotherapy an uncovered procedure. Therefore, Prolotherapy is an “out of pocket” investment. However, preferred provider organizations (PPO) may provide partial reimbursement for office evaluations. Medicare strictly does not pay for Prolotherapy nor cover for care provided by out of network doctors.

Organizations we belong to

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Photo of X-Ray Scan Showing Essential Parts of the Body

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5 Things to Know About Regenerative Medicine & Joint Pain

Restore your freedom

It’s time to stop letting joint dysfunction and pain stand between you and the activities you enjoy.

With a regenerative approach we’ll turn away from basic pain management, towards true healing